Fulbright Scholar Dr. Yolanda Moses discusses about roles of diversity in Singapore

US Fulbright Scholar to Australia, Dr. Yolanda Moses, delivered her insights on the role diversity plays in creating inclusive educational, public, and corporate institutions which can in turn help create a more just and equal society for all.

Her views were delivered at a speaker’s program in conjunction with Black History Month organized by Public Affairs Section (PAS), US Embassy in Singapore in February.

Dr. Moses’ public talks were attended by a variety of audience including university students and faculty, university administrators, company representatives as well as Embassy staff.

During her visit to Singapore, she visited several local institutions including YALE-NUS, Tembusu College at the National University of Singapore and American Chamber of Commerce.

According to Dr. Moses, her visit to Singapore enhanced her own thinking about the scope of her current research project.

“Initially focused just on the University of Sydney as the place to look at how issues such as cultural competency become a part of the value system of a large complex organization, I was able to talk to experts in other Asia-Pacific geographic locations about their processes as well,” she said.

In addition, in Singapore she also got to see first- hand where many of the University of Sydney, her affiliation in Australia, came from, a place that already had a long standing tradition of valuing diversity and inclusion

Last Updated: Jul 17, 2017 @ 6:25 pm
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