Alumni & Voices

Roberta Johnson

Dr. Johnson complete her Fulbright-sponsored stay at the University of Indonesia in July, 1992 and returned to the University of San Fransisco, where she is a Professor in the Department of Politics.

I ran two seminar courses at U.I in 1992 while on my Fulbright. One was called ‘American Politics and Government,’ and the other was ‘Women in American Society.’ I also had the opportunity to assist students writing their Masters these: helping them to focus their topics and develop the necessary research.

Many of the students in Women’s Studies are involved in administering large surveys. They needed help in refining their questionnaires, the interviewing process, and connecting theory to survey results.

I hope I made a difference in the whole area of sexual harassment. Until now, it’s never been mentioned in journals or magazines–but it’s beginning to be. When I spoke at U.I on ‘Sexual Harassment: Legal and Political Realities in America,’ there was standing room only. I gave the same presentation in Solo, Surabaya, and Medan, and there was always media coverage. So in just the six months, I was in Indonesia, I witnessed the opening up of discussion on the subject.

I also spoke in Bandung on the state of women’s study programs in the U.S. At Gajah Mada, I spoke on the socialization of women. Another of my presentations was one called ‘Why Great People Don’t Become President of The United States!

Indonesia really isn’t within the scope of my normal academic work back home, although I may use this experience to develop a course on comparative public administration. But during my stay, I learned as much about myself as about Indonesia. And I feel that I had some particularly exciting breakthroughs in my classes — students conceptualizing in a way that was foreign to them before. To feel that I have helped to empower them is truly satisfying.

Besides, I was surrounded by incredibly warm and generous people at the university. I’m especially grateful to my department heads: Dr.Saparinah Sadli in Women’s Studies and Ibu Pia Alisjahbana in American Studies. They went out of their way for me, took me places in the community, welcomed me into their homes, and shared their lives with me. It was wonderful. And to top it all off, I found the secretarial and clerical support services at U.I far better than what I’m used to back in San Fransisco!

Last Updated: Nov 30, 2020 @ 3:12 pm

This article appears from the book of U.S Indonesian Fulbright Program – Forty Years of Scholarships and Mutual Understanding 1952 – 1992 (pages 26 – 42 ) published in 1992.

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