US Fulbright Fellow Desireé LaGrappe, Explores Gender-Based Violence Solutions in Thailand
Supported by the Fulbright Program East Asia Pacific Regional Travel Program, US Fulbright Public Policy Fellow Desireé LaGrappe visited Thailand in February 2024. Currently stationed at Hanoi Medical University, she focuses on enhancing healthcare responses to gender-based violence (GBV), often targeting women and children, as part of the World Health Organization (WHO) Human Reproduction Programme.. Read More.
Professor Nicholas de Villiers, Fulbright US Senior Scholar of Literature in Taiwan (2023–2024) at National Central University, visited the University of Otago in Dunedin, Aotearoa, New Zealand, for a three-day conference (February 14–16) and a research-sharing roundtable (February 15) with faculty and graduate students in global media, performance, and gender studies. He presented his research.. Read More.
Dr. Marina Vance, Fulbright US Scholar, Delivers Seminars on PM2.5 Assessment in Australia
In December 2023, Dr. Marina Vance, Fulbright US Scholar to Indonesia, visited and delivered seminars at three universities in Australia. These visits were made possible by a Fulbright East Asia & Pacific Regional Travel Program (RTP) grant. Dr. Vance visited Macquarie University in Sydney and gave a talk at their School of Natural Sciences, then.. Read More.
Dr. Eric Vance, a Fulbright research scholar during the 2023-24 academic year at Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University) in Bogor, Indonesia, traveled to Australia in December 2023 to discuss models for educating and training statistics and data science students to become effective interdisciplinary collaborators. He met with researchers at Macquarie University in Sydney and Queensland.. Read More.
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