Who We Are
The American Indonesian Exchange Foundation (AMINEF) is the bi-national Fulbright Commission for Indonesia. For thirty years, we have carried forward the vision and mission of the Fulbright program in Indonesia, which in 2022 celebrated its 70th anniversary. AMINEF’s many programs for educational exchange have increased mutual understanding between the United States and Indonesia and strengthened the ties that unite our two countries. Since 1952, 3,330 Indonesians and 1,375 Americans have participated in exchanges. Approximately 80 percent of the Indonesians received graduate degrees at the masters or doctoral levels from American universities. The remaining 20 percent participated in non-degree exchanges administered by AMINEF.
The launching of the Higher Education Partnership (HEP) within the framework of the Comprehensive Partnership announced by Presidents Obama and Yudhoyono in June 2010 gave a significant boost to the Fulbright program in Indonesia that continues to be felt. The HEP had the primary aim of building a closer bilateral relationship through people-to-people exchanges in education. Under the HEP, the United States committed to helping build Indonesian higher education capacity and to significantly increase the number of Indonesians who study, teach, and conduct research in the United States and the number of Americans who study, teach, and conduct research in Indonesia. AMINEF has played a significant role with funds provided through the US Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Exchange (ECA) for Fulbright and non-Fulbright ECA exchange programs and other activities administered by AMINEF. The Fulbright–Indonesia Research in Science and Technology (FIRST) program and other US government-funded programs specifically address exchanges in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) for both Indonesian and American researchers, teachers, and scholars.
Our cooperation with ECA, the US Embassy’s Public Affairs Section in Jakarta, the International Institute of Education (IIE), and various Indonesian ministries and government and private sector institutions in Indonesia has been instrumental to the success of AMINEF’s Fulbright and other programs and has immeasurably helped us in meeting the many challenges that we face.
In our core programs, we try to give preference to qualified candidates who intend to teach or who are already university teachers, while not ruling out support for professionals in various fields. While Fulbright is not specifically an institutional capacity-building program, our attention to the needs of the more than 2,000 Indonesian universities has generated a very positive response. We also administer a large DIKTI-funded Grants for Indonesian Lecturers Program, which is funded by the new Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (previously the Ministry of Education and Culture) and provides grants exclusively to permanent university teachers. For this program, the express goal is, in fact, capacity-building of Indonesian tertiary education institutions.
However, in the programs outside our core program, and except for the RISTEK-DIKTI program, our goal has not specifically focused on a preference for university lecturers. For example, the Fulbright–KEMLU program, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and drawn to a close in 2016, has supported junior diplomats to study for masters and PhD degrees. The FIRST program mentioned above also provides grants to applicants from varied backgrounds and institutions and is not restricted to academic lecturers.
For information on AMINEF’s funding and partnership, see “Funding and Partnerships”