2013 Annual Fulbright and Related Programs Scholarly Networking Event and Pre-Departure Orientation

The 2013 Annual Fulbright and Related Programs Scholarly Networking Event and Pre-Departure Orientation (PDO) was successfully held at the Sheraton hotel in Surabaya on May 15-18, 2013.  The event was officially opened on May 14 evening by Mr. Don Q. Washington, Co-Chair of the AMINEF Board of Supervisors, concurrently U.S. Embassy Counselor for Public Diplomacy.  Dr. Anies Baswedan, member of the AMINEF Board of Managers, a Fulbright program alumnus and concurrently Rector of the Paramadina University, also delivered a speech at the opening in the morning of May 15.

Mr. Washington in his speech highlighted the Comprehensive Partnership signed by the Presidents of the U.S. and Republic of Indonesia in 2009 which gives the Fulbright program a major role in it particularly in the Higher Education Partnership.  Dr. Baswedan highlighted the role the Fulbright grantees could play in enhancing mutual understanding between the two countries.  He encouraged the Fulbright and other related program grantees to be Indonesian unofficial ambassadors to the U.S.  by engaging actively in community activities while they are in the U.S.  In addition, he also encouraged the grantees to be an inspiration to their fellow Indonesian peers by striving to achieve their dreams no matter the obstacles.

The event itself combined the pre-departure orientation for most of the 82 Indonesian Fulbright and other related programs candidates and the mid-year conference for some of the 16 American grantees was designed to establish fundamental understanding of the vision and mission of the Fulbright program among the Indonesian candidates and American grantees.  It was also designed to prepare the Indonesian candidates for their upcoming academic programs in the United States. Indonesian grantees benefited from the presence of the American grantees and it’s also a way for the American grantees to share their knowledge and experiences with the other fellow American and Indonesian grantees. Another important purpose of the event was to create initial networking/ contacts between the Indonesian candidates and the American grantees.

The American grantees who were mostly senior scholars researchers had a session where they presented their research and teaching activities.  Board members attended the session and they were impressed by the quality of their projects and proposed that AMINEF considered having such activities held at AMINEF office on a regular basis inviting scholars from Indonesia to attend.

AMINEF Board had also their full Board meeting attended by AMINEF Board of Trustees (Mr. Fasli Jalal, Ms. Pia Alisjahbana, Mr. Gerald Chamberland, and Mr.  John H. McGlynn), Board of Supervisor (Mr. Don Q. Washington), and Board of Managers (Mr. Bana G. Kartasasmita, Mr. Frank Whitaker, Mr. Anies Baswedan, and Mr. Anangga Roosdiono).

The Indonesian grantees include research scholars, professors, student grantees who will pursue their M.A. and Ph.D. degrees, Humphrey mid-career professionals, Fulbright Indonesian Language Teaching Assistants, and the Global Undergraduate Initiative program.  The American grantees will include students, researchers, and professors.

Principal financial support for the Fulbright programs in Indonesia comes for an annual appropriation from the U.S. Congress to the U.S. Department of State.  The Indonesian government (Ministry of Education and Culture, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs) also provide contributions to support the AMINEF programs as do private sector corporations and foundations, such as the Freeport Indonesia Company.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016 @ 7:09 am
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