If I were to list down two most valuable experiences in life, top of mind would be a) being a father and b) being a Fulbright scholar. By the first, I gain greater responsibility and love for the family, while in the latter I gain broader network and connectivity with the inter-connected Fulbright world and its supporting institutions. In my case, I happened to experience both at almost the same time. Having had to leave my 2 week-old new born daughter, I flew off to Pullman in time for the fall semester of my MBA program at Washington State University. My first month was then shocked by the tragic 9/11 event devastating people all around the world. I managed to complete my MBA studies with flying colors in the following 18 months, as friends, colleagues and the Fulbright community gave ongoing tremendous support. Until today, I continue to feel blessed for this unbeatable Fulbright journey which I believe has humbly lead me into becoming a better person.

Bobby B. Suadi
2001 Fulbright studentcurrently Windows Business Group Lead at Microsoft Indonesia
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