Fulbright Indonesia Day – November 17 & 18, 2021

As we commemorate the 75th anniversary of Fulbright in 2021, we are proud to celebrate the impact and achievements of the Fulbright Program. On 17-18 November, Fulbright Indonesia Day, hosted by AMINEF, the Fulbright Commission in Indonesia will host 20-plus speakers and moderators from Indonesia and the U.S. who will participate in lively online discussions on a range of contemporary issues.


Fulbright, pada 2021 ini, dengan bangga merayakan hasil dan pencapaiannya pada saat peringatan hari jadi yang ke-75. Pada 17-18 November, Fulbright Indonesia Day yang diselenggarakan oleh AMINEF, Komisi Fulbright di Indonesia akan menghadirkan lebih dari 20 pembicara dan moderator dari Indonesia dan AS yang akan berpartisipasi dalam diskusi daring berbagai isu kontemporer yang semarak.


Join us and stay connected throughout Fulbright Indonesia Day. It is a free event. All are welcome and to register is only one click away.

REGISTER at: bit.ly/FulbrightIndonesiaDay

Follow us on AMINEF/Fulbright Indonesia, @FulbrightID, @fulbrightindonesia for updates on Fulbright Indonesia Day.

LIVE STREAM on AMINEF/Fulbright Indonesia Facebook and AMINEF Fulbright Indonesia YouTube.

Day 1

Day 2


Last Updated: Nov 18, 2021 @ 2:55 pm
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