Dr. Nina Asher traveled, November 11-25, 2022, from the University of Minnesota–Twin Cities, Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A. to Pangkalpinang, Bangka Island, Indonesia to collaborate with colleagues at the host institutions – the Universitas Bangka Belitung (UBB) – and its partner institutions – IAIN Syaikh Abdurrahman Siddik (IAIN) and Universitas Muhammadiyah Bangka Belitung (UnMuh) – on their American Studies program. It was a joy to work with colleagues and students through interactive workshops and lectures to generate intercultural exchanges and share scholarly knowledge, research, and pedagogical approaches.
As UBB colleagues noted, this two-week Fulbright Specialist visit was the first major event that they were able to host following the disruption of planned activities, over many months, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
With a view to expanding international and cross-cultural connections, per the goals of this American Studies project, the participants (including faculty colleagues and students at each of the three higher education institutions) and Dr. Asher focused on such topics as: scholarly research, writing, and publishing; literature and folklore/folk life; women’s and gender studies; cultural studies; creative writing; popular culture and multiculturalism; and teacher education curriculum and pedagogy.
Specifically, Dr. Asher made two-day presentations – including interactive workshops, seminars, lectures – at each of the three institutions. She also shared relevant scholarly and pedagogical resources, involving participants in hands-on research, writing, discussion, and analysis during the presentations. For example, at UBB, students produced and shared their own creative writing (e.g., poems, essays) and made presentations related to American culture. At UnMuh, Dr. Asher led students in analyzing publications (e.g., a poem and a pedagogy-based article) in relation to developing innovative, multicultural curricula and pedagogies. And, at IAIN, Dr. Asher led faculty and students in a workshop on generating and publishing scholarly writing.
Concluding activities and celebrations at UBB included student presentations related to American culture (including film, pop culture, music) and a farewell ceremony which featured speakers from all three institutions, live music (performed by a student band), and exchanges of gifts.
Dr. Asher says that the key outcomes/accomplishments emerging from this intense, short-term collaboration include sharing and dissemination of scholarly knowledge, research, and pedagogical approaches; engagement of faculty colleagues and students in critical dialogue and analysis as well as hands-on research and writing (creative writing, scholarly writing) activities; and preliminary discussions with host colleagues regarding ideas/possible plans for future work – including pedagogical exchanges as well as research and writing collaborations.
“The hope is that this most rewarding – albeit brief and densely packed! – American Studies program – will result in the development of further collaborations in the future,” she added.
Another key outcome from this collaboration was also the generation of an intercultural/cross-cultural exchange. Indeed, the warm, genuine welcome extended by all to Professor Asher, along with the lively engagement of the students throughout, made it a particularly enriching Fulbright Specialist experience.
“UBB colleagues were very thorough and thoughtful in making all arrangements related to meals, transportation, and accommodation. The meals were delicious and the accommodation and transportation provided were most comfortable. UBB colleagues were consummate hosts and, along with colleagues at IAIN and UnMuh, they immediately made me feel at home,” Dr. Asher said.
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