The Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund (AEIF) 2020


Great funding opportunities for Indonesian alumni – The Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund (AEIF) is back!

The Embassy of the United States in Jakarta announces an open competition for teams of past participants in the US-sponsored and facilitated exchange programs to submit proposals to the AEIF 2020 grant competition.

AEIF is an annual grant competition that supports teams of alumni with grants from USD 5,000 up to USD 25,000 to complete public service projects that promote shared values and innovative solutions to global challenges.

If you are alumni of US government-sponsored international exchange programs, you can team up with other alumni to apply for an AEIF grant!

The US Mission to Indonesia will accept public service projects proposed and managed by teams of at least two (2) Indonesian alumni through February 7, 2020  – 12:00 am (Jakarta time) to

Detailed information is available at the US Embassy Jakarta website. Information on AEIF 2020 can be found at the bottom of the page.

All the best for your applications!

Last Updated: Jan 23, 2020 @ 10:58 am
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