Thai University Hosts Presentation on Children’s Literature by US Fulbright Scholar in Hong Kong, Dr. Daniel Amos

Thammasat University, Bangkok, one of the Thailand’s leading universities, hosted Daniel M. Amos, PhD, currently a Fulbright Scholar in Hong Kong, on Dec. 18, 2017, for his seminar presentation, and the presentations of Kamolwan Fairee Jocuns, and Yukari T. Amos, PhD, on “(Mis)reading different cultures: Interpreting international children’s literature from Asia,” which was part of the university’s “Active Learning:  I do it my way” program.  Participants and attendees included Dr. Passapong Sripincharn, Vice Dean of the University, and twenty students and faculty members.

Dr. Daniel Amos

Dr. Daniel Amos2

Last Updated: Aug 3, 2018 @ 4:35 pm
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