Community College Initiative Program Edition

Obertina Kubuan

As a Community College Initiative (CCI) Program participant, Obertina Kubuan, an IT technician in the management information system department at PT Freeport Indonesia in Tembagapura, is studying business management and administration at Fox Valley Technical College, specializing in project management. She received her bachelor’s degree in informatic engineering from Universitas Dr. Soetomo Surabaya. Last Updated:.. Read More.

Julio Reinner Lambert Pussung

Julio Reinner Lambert Pussung uses his Community College Initiative (CCI) fellowship to further his business management and administration studies at Bluegrass Technical and Community College, specializing in organizational leadership. Currently, he is a production train dispatcher at PT Grasberg Block Cave underground division, Mpaigelah in Timika. Julio’s educational background includes earning a bachelor’s degree in.. Read More.

Klara Hay

Klara Hay uses her Community College Initiative (CCI) fellowship to further her business management and administration studies at Northern Virginia Community College – Annandale Campus, specializing in administrative professionals. She is a financial planner in the Education, Youth, and Sports Department of Tambrauw Regency, West Papua. Klara’s educational background includes earning a bachelor’s degree in.. Read More.

Kresensia Kurniawati Mala Pasa

Kresensia Kurniawati Mala Pasa is using her Community College Initiative (CCI) Program grant to study media at Sinclair Community College, focusing on digital media, journalism, and communications. She earned her bachelor’s degree in physics education from Universitas Nusa Cendana, Kupang. Kresensia works as a reporter at in Manokwari, West Papua. Last Updated: Jun 5,.. Read More.

Fransisca Gratia Irma Urpon

Fransisca Gratia Irma Urpon is using her Community College Initiative (CCI) fellowship to further her tourism and hospitality management studies at Kirkwood Community College, where she specializes in hospitality and hotel management. She is a front desk agent at Horex Hotel Sentani, Jayapura. Fransisca’s educational background includes earning a bachelor’s degree in international relations from.. Read More.

Rosanly Viklesia Malaihollo

Using her Community College Initiative (CCI) Program grant, Rosanly Viklesia Malaihollo, a homeroom and subject teacher at Yayasan Shine Papua Barat in Sorong, Southwest Papua, is studying early childhood education (ECE) with a focus on ECE and development at Northern Virginia Community College – Alexandria Campus. She earned her bachelor’s degree in English education from.. Read More.

Bhrisco Jordy Dudi Padatu

Bhrisco Jordy Dudi Padatu uses his Community College Initiative (CCI) fellowship to further his early childhood education at Northern Virginia Community College – Alexandria Campus, specializing in early and school-age care. Currently, he holds the position of a classroom and English teacher at SD INPRES (state school) 10 Mansinam Island, Manokwari, and a founder of.. Read More.


Mustamiuddin, a social media manager at Yayasan Cinta Harapan Indonesia Autism Center, East Lombok, is studying media, particularly in digital media, journalism, and communications at the College of DuPage as a Community College Initiative (CCI) Program participant. He received his bachelor’s degree in informatics education at Universitas Hamzanwadi, East Lombok. Last Updated: Jun 5, 2024.. Read More.

Veronika Kurnyangsi

Veronika Kurnyangsi is studying early childhood education (EEC), focusing on EEC and development at Northern Virginia Community College – Alexandria Campus through the Community College Initiative (CCI) program. She teaches at PAUD (Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, or Early Childhood Education and Development), Saint Angela Ruteng, in Manggarai. Veronika earned her bachelor’s degree in physics education.. Read More.


As a Community College Initiative (CCI) participant, Murniati is studying business management and administration at Valencia College, focusing on international/global business. She works as a senior customer service at Intertek Utama Services in Jakarta. She holds a bachelor’s degree in English translation at Universitas Terbuka, Jakarta. Last Updated: Jun 5, 2024 @ 5:20 pm

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