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Drew Ippoliti, US Fulbright Scholar in South Korea led a 3-day workshop in Bangkok on how to generate ideas hosted by Thai Universities and Studio Make


Rangsit University College of Design in conjunction with Studio Make: Bangkok, hosted US Fulbright Senior Scholar Drew Ippoliti for a workshop to discuss the root of where ideas come from. The workshop focused on quickly generating new ways of thinking through external stimuli, repetition and non-sequitur connections. Students worked in teams to discuss idea-mapping, design trends, and international education. Worldwide designers and craftspeople seem to often speak a different language. In these three and a half-day workshop, students learned new styles of communication and implemented such techniques to produce novel outcomes in a design charrette. This experience was aimed at teaching students the value of dialogue, creation and play all under the guise of design work. A warm thank you is offered to Rangsit University, StudioMake and Kookmin University

Last Updated: Aug 8, 2019 @ 10:48 am
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