English Club: Reflective Writing

Since starting at SMA Santo Paulus at the beginning of September, ETA Kylie Eiselstein has enjoyed getting to know her students and classes. Still, she has especially loved interacting with the English Language Club. In one meeting with the ELC, Kylie taught a short, interactive game called “Bang!” (shoutout to EDUCO for this summer camp classic). Kylie loved seeing students get active—the competition was fierce!

After the game, Kylie gave a concise presentation on letter writing. She asked students to use their creativity and personality to craft their letters addressed to her. This topic is the beginning of two focuses Kylie wants to focus on throughout the year: reflective writing and expression.

Kylie loved hearing about her students’ interests, goals, and questions about American life, and she wrote small notes to each student to continue their conversation. Some of Kylie’s favorite mentions include Gio, who loves origami, Batman, and Robin and wants to try extreme sports; Kevin, whose hobbies include learning German, reading novels, and playing chess; and Jocelyn T, who loves the American movie “Jumanji” and wants to be a religion teacher someday.

Throughout the year, Kylie will continue this “pen pal” writing practice with varying topics and formats. She wants to know what her students think about media, culture, personality types, relationships, philosophy, and religion. She also wants to see her students grapple with different expressive formats, like journal entries, persuasive pieces, vision boards, debates, and more, focusing on self-expression through writing and speaking.

Kylie Eiselstein is currently teaching at SMA Santo Paulus Pontianak, West Kalimantan.

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