US Fulbright Scholar to Vietnam Dr. Diana Dudzik joined by Fulbright ETA in capacity building project at local medical university in Laos

In February 2017, a team of two Lao English teachers, an American Fulbright English Teaching Assistant, and two American volunteer teachers living in Laos were led by Fulbright Scholar to Vietnam, Dr. Diana Dudzik, in a capacity building project to learn to adapt medical English materials for new courses at Lao’s only medical university.

This materials development project is the final stage of an ongoing collaboration at the University of Health Sciences to improve English-for medical-purposes curriculum for future medical doctors. The goal of this curriculum is to equip future Lao doctors to access medical information in English, understand technical terminology, communicate cross-culturally, learn from English-speaking experts, and participate professionally using English.

Through this materials development phase of the project, the capacity of the Lao English teachers to adapt medical English materials to the appropriate reading level, and choose appropriate level vocabulary and grammar on the Common European Framework of Reference was enhanced.

In addition, the Year 3 syllabus was further developed (from the previous stage of the project) with the assistance of two Lao medical professors and two American INGO physicians living in Laos. The local team will continue this work in materials development for the next several years.

It is hoped that Year 1 of the new curriculum will be implemented in September 2017 as a result of this materials adaptation project.

Last Updated: Jul 17, 2017 @ 6:25 pm
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