I found the Fulbright program to be very enriching, not only intellectually but also culturally. The experience provided me with a greater understanding of the true meaning of life as well as deeper appreciation for all things different. I treasure my years as a Fulbright scholar, and enjoy every minute revisiting the U.S., which I have considered as my second home. Despite the tragic occurrence of September 11 and the unfolding political drama that ensued, I still believe in the American spirit, which to me reflects generosity, humility and inclusivity. The Fulbright program has made me the human that I am today. Each time I happily reflect on my Fulbright days, I tend to increase my sense of ‘being’.

Dicky Sofjan
PhD, Faculty Member, American Studies Graduate Program, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta
Political Science, Northeastern University, Boston, 1999-2001
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