Fulbright Research Presentation on Immigrant Workers Language Practice in the US Multilingual Workplaces

ani pujiastutiJoin us at the upcoming Fulbright Research Presentation on Immigrant Workers Language Practice in the US Multilingual Workplaces.

Presenter: Dr. Ani Pujiastuti

Host Institution: Ohio State University

Home Institution: President University

Summary of the research: Dr. Pujiastuti conducted ethnography (with a 2 year plus data collection processes) on how immigrant workers in the USA educate and socialize themselves linguistically and professionally in multilingual workplaces. Unlike the previous studies that have mostly documented their status as disadvantaged, low/non-literate, low performing Non-Native English Speaker (NNES), their achievement in how they educate themselves and one another through working and surviving in a foreign land is highlighted. From this study, significant shifts on how immigrant workers perceive their communicative ability, the status of English as a Lingua Franca, and their own status as Non-Native English Speakers in a multilingual workplace has been found. She also discovered that method-wise, conducting ethnography where the researcher is a participant observer can be problematic considering his/her double status, and most of all, the participants and workplace’s attitude towards researchers and research process.

This event is open to the public. Register soon at https://fulbright-multilingual.eventbrite.com as seats are limited.

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