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Fulbright Research Seminar : Model Komunikasi Humas Lembaga Pemerintahan Indonesia di Media Sosial

banner website Karline Idris revisi 20 Februari 2019
AMINEF and Universitas Paramadina invite you to a research seminar by Indonesian Fulbright PhD grantee Dr. Ika Karlina Idris on February 26, 2019, at 09.30 – noon, at Auditorium Nurcholish Madjid, Universitas Paramadina, with Drs. Selamatta Sembiring, M.Si. from the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (KEMKOMINFO) as a discussant.

Dr. Ika Karlina Idris is a lecturer at Paramadina Graduate School of Communication (PGSC), Jakarta. She was awarded DIKTI-funded Fulbright Grants for Indonesian Lecturers who earned her doctoral degree at the School of Media Arts and Studies, Ohio University (2015-2018).

During her study, Ika was an active researcher at Social Media Research Team/SMARTLab Ohio University and received a Summer Research Excellence Award (2017 and 2018) from SMARTLab.

In her spare time, she is actively writing opinions for newspapers in Indonesia. Her research interest focuses on government public communication, social media for strategic communication, PR evaluation and public information. Before pursuing her doctoral degree, Ika was involved in a Paramadina Public Policy Institute (PPPI) project on advocating the Public Information Disclosure Act and empowering government Public Relations officials.

This event will be held in Indonesian, open to the public and free of charge. All are welcome by registering to Meidya: 08 21 89 38 35 34 or meidya.farahdiba@paramadina.ac.id

A short summary of the research:

The purpose of this study was to analyze whether the Indonesian government uses social media to establish a dialogue with its public and to participate in a new public sphere facilitated by the Internet.  The study found that the main model of government communication on social media was one-way communication, instead of two-way dialogic communication.  The advanced communication technology was mainly used to serve the government’s interests in dominating conversations, forming public opinion, and countering criticisms on social media. Hence, the new public sphere, facilitated by the Internet, can be considered as just an illusion created by the Indonesian government via their policies and regulations to be actively using social media as public communication channels.

Photos of the event can be found here.

Last Updated: Mar 22, 2019 @ 10:42 am
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