In the peatswamp of Borneo

Eva Hernandez-Janer is a recipient of the Fulbright US Student Researcher, explores the effects of peatland fires and forest/road edges on wild orangutan health and energetics in 2022.

Mi gente! I’m happy to announce I finally have my website up with notes on my adventures here in Indonesia! Check out my field notes below to find out what I’m doing in the other side of the world with our amazing ape relatives


Halo semuanya!

My name is Eva Hernandez-Janer and I am currently a PhD Candidate at Rutgers University focusing on Human Evolutionary Sciences & Biological Anthropology. In 2022, I was privileged to be awarded the Fulbright Fellowship to conduct research in Indonesia working with critically endangered orangutans. As many of you know, orangutan populations are declining for many reasons, primarily hunting and logging, and they are essential to the biodiversity of Bornean rainforests and the globe (I will be talking more about this in later posts). It’s imperative to understand the mechanisms of how these essential apes are impacted by all these anthropogenic changes, which can help guide us in conservation efforts to protect orangutans and other endangered wildlife.

Link to blog:

Photo credit: Isabelle Betancourt

Last Updated: Sep 14, 2023 @ 10:12 am
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