Irics Tabuni
Award Year: 2017

Irics Tabuni is currently pursuing study in the field of Management Business and Administration especially in the Leadership Development at Northern Virginia Community College, Alexandria. He believes by joining this program, he could improve his skills and his performances in order to support his job as Mine Geologist Operation at PT Freeport Indonesia.

Previously, he earned a Bachelor’s degree from Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta in Geological Engineering and graduated in 2011. Before working as a Geologist at PT Freeport Indonesia, he worked as a Geological Exploration at PT. Tawang Mineral in Yahukimo Papua. Besides working, he is a volunteer in national level and became as an attendee also representative of PT Freeport Indonesia geologist representative in Indonesian Geologist Association Annual scientific Convention in Bandung 2016 and currently active as member of Indonesian Geologist Association also the member of Indonesian Geology Economic Society.

Last Updated: Mar 30, 2024 @ 7:54 pm
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