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Fulbright Scholar to China establishes network in Hong Kong, Taipei

Prof. Ava Chin, US Fulbright Scholar to China, shared her works on foraging, sustainability, and urban natures at the local universities at Taiwan and Hong Kong with the support of the Fulbright East Asia Pacific Regional Travel Program.

In Taiwan, she visited Academia Sinica in Taipei where she gave an academic presentation on US foraging at the university’s Fourth Wave Ecocriticism Lecture Series. At the event, she also met with Taiwan’s top ecocritics, including the former co-president of the most prestigious academic association for environmental literature, the Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment (ASLE), and the president of ASLE-Taiwan, who helped co-sponsor the event along with the Institute for European and American Studies.

While in Hong Kong, Prof. Chin presented her work “Invasion of the Non-Natives” at the interdisciplinary conference Research and Teaching in the Digital Era: Dialogues on Ecocritical, Literary, Cultural and Screen Studies at Hong Kong University. She met with various scholars all around the world in the fields of Asian American Studies, American Studies, and Film Studies.

Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024 @ 10:13 pm
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