Lecture on Digital Conservation of Cultural Heritage at Tongji University, China by US Fulbright Scholar in Indonesia Antonius Wiriadjaja

1930 (8)

The innovative team of Cultural Landscape Heritage Conservation (CAUP) at Tongji University in Shanghai, China invited US Fulbright Scholar Antonius ‘Oki’ Wiriadjaja as the main speaker for a symposium on the digital conservation of cultural heritage on May 29, 2019.

1930 (10)

During his lecture, “When Legacy Meets Technology: Collecting and Representing the Heritage of Central Java with New Media,” Oki presented the current state of digitization of cultural heritage in Central Java, Indonesia. He covered the intertextuality of Javanese batik textiles, gamelan music, traditional dance, and shadow puppetry. He outlined a workflow for digitizing physical collections using photogrammetry, the act of recording the 3D surfaces of objects by combining two-dimensional photographs that are taken from different angles. He also presented methods for interacting with digital content that would allow people to connect better with the data collected. Attendees of the symposium were experts in the field of heritage conservation, including faculty of Tongji University, NYU Shanghai, and administrators of UNESCO.

1930 (12)

1930 (13)

1930 (11)

1930 (6)

Last Updated: Aug 8, 2019 @ 3:32 pm
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