Mackenzie Bowden
Award Year: 2019

Under the Fulbright US Student Research Grant, Mackenzie Bowden is spending nine months conducting research titled “Analyzing Rural Utilization Potential of Alternative Feedstocks for Anaerobic Digestion.” During this time, she will collect and analyze social and technical data from sites in West Java, Bali, and West Timor. Prior to the start of her research, Mackenzie completes a three-month CLEA at Wisma Bahasa in Yogyakarta.

Mackenzie is affiliated with Dr. Suprihatin Suprihatin from Institut Pertanain Bogor and Sri Wahyuni at PT Swen Inovasi Transfer in Bogor. This study will contribute to her graduate thesis and increase her knowledge of energy, agriculture, and health conditions in rural Indonesian communities.

Mackenzie completed her bachelor of science degree at Villanova University with a major in Chemical Engineering and minors in Biochemical Engineering and Sustainability Studies. She is currently a graduate student at Villanova, studying International Development in the Sustainable Engineering department.

Previously, Mackenzie has completed research on rural water systems and small-scale anaerobic digestion techniques in India, Indonesia, and Madagascar.

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