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Fulbright Scholar Prof. Jason Yackee delivers analysis of Thailand’s adoption of investor-state arbitration at Singapore

Professor Jason Yackee, a faculty member at University of Wisconsin-Madison USA, delivered a public lecture on March 22, 2017 at the National University of Singapore. The lecture was hosted by Professor Jansen Calamita and the NUS Center for Interrnational Law.

The title of Professor Yackee’s lecture was “Does Investor-State Dispute Settlement Work in the Land of Smiles?” The lecture presented an empirical analysis of Thailand’s adoption of investor-state arbitration and argued that this policy has not succeeded in attracting foreign investment to Thailand. The lecture was based on Professor Yackee’s research as a Fulbright scholar in Thailand.

While in Singapore, Professor Yackee also delivered a guest lecture for graduate students in international law at the Singapore Management University. The topic of Professor Yackee’s guest lecture was “The European Union’s Investment Court Proposal.”

Last Updated: Jul 17, 2017 @ 6:25 pm
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