Fulbright Scholar Gregory Alexander delivers series of aged care lectures in New Zealand

CJHUEng23 The East Asia Pacific Regional Travel Program (RTP), which is administered by AMINE,  provided a grant for Fulbright Scholar to Australia Prof. Gregory Alexander to travel to New Zealand in May 2017.

During the visit, Prof. Alexander interacted with over 100 aged care experts, researchers, faculty, and graduate students to interact in northern and southern New Zealand islands during an Aged Care Lecture Series.

Prof. Alexander, Professor at University of Missouri USA, Sinclair School of Nursing, and Visiting Professor at Macquarie University, Sydney Australia, gave a total of four aged care lectures.

Two lectures were organized by University of Auckland faculty of nursing and health sciences Professors Stephen Jacobs and Michelle Honey. Two more lectures were organized by the former University of Canterbury Medical School Dean in Christchurch NZ. Three lectures were given to community aged care administrators, faculty, and graduate students in Health Sciences. The fourth lecture was given at Pegasus Health an international center of excellence for development and provision of primary and community based care.

The scholar provided a great deal of information to participants about groundbreaking aged care research that has been conducted by research teams at the University of Missouri cumulatively for over 30 years.

Alexander shared research outcomes demonstrating how clinical interventions including advanced practice nurses, quality improvement, technology, and advanced care planning have real value and provided evidence that quality of care can be improved and costs can be reduced if certain aspects of care are managed appropriately.

Discussions focused on staffing, clinical processes of care especially associated with advanced care planning, communication and feedback loops about quality of care, acceptance and implementation of innovative technologies to improve clinical decision making and early illness detection.

Examples of each of these aspects of care were discussed in large groups of aged care leaders, faculty, students, and clinicians which created opportunities for reflection about the current state of clinical care in NZ aged care communities.

Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024 @ 10:17 pm
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