Obituary: Prof. Dr Mochtar Kusumaatmadja

Photo credit: MMKLAW

AMINEF is saddened to learn of the passing of the Indonesian former foreign minister and Fulbright alumnus Prof. Dr. Mochtar Kusumaatmadja, on June 6, 2021, in Jakarta, at the age of 92. He was buried at the Kalibata Heroes Cemetery, Jakarta.

Prof. Mochtar served for two terms as the Indonesian foreign minister from 1978 to 1988. Previously he served as justice minister from 1973 to 1978. During his term as Indonesian foreign minister, Prof. Mochtar “promoted the concept of “archipelago state” to describe Indonesia. The concept was later recognized by the United Nations through the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea in 1982. Aside from archipelago state, one of his hallmarks as foreign minister was the formulation of cultural diplomacy, a concept aimed at improving Indonesia’s image overseas.”*

Prof. Mochtar received a Fulbright Non-Degree Program in 1964, where he studied international civil law at Harvard University. He reflected on his Fulbright experience on the 40th-anniversary publication of Fulbright in Indonesia in 1992**:

“The Fulbright Program provided me with an education. It broadened my horizons. For me, it was a kind of exercise in greater tolerance.

 Anyone with a chance to take part in the Fulbright program should do so.

I believe it’s the best possible program for developing mutual understanding between Americans and people in other nations.”

Fulbright alumnus Dr. Yu Un Oppusunggu, the Head of International Law Studies, Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia, through his Facebook obituary post, says, “Thank you for your knowledge and contribution to the unity of the ‘motherland’ for this nation and country. Vivant Professores!”

All of us at AMINEF extend our heartfelt condolences to his family and loved ones.


Prof. Mochtar’s profile at the AMINEF alumni directory


News source and obituary:

* Prof. Mochtar’s Wikipedia Page

**Prof. Kusumaatmadja’s full interview in the “US-Indonesian Fulbright Program Forty Years of Scholarship and Mutual Understanding 1952 – 1992” publication (in English)


“US-Indonesian Fulbright Program Forty Years of Scholarship and Mutual Understanding 1952 – 1992” publication (full pdf)

Last Updated: Mar 25, 2024 @ 5:13 pm
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