Olsa Riharsya
Award Year: 2019

Olsa Riharsya will study natural resources, environmental policy, and climate change at Cornell University. Noting that issues of wastewater management issues are currently so crucial in Indonesia, her Humphrey Fellowship will increase her technical knowledge beyond the economic and financial perspective.

Olsa has been a project supervisor at the Ministry of Public Works and Housing since 2010. She is responsible for managing the financial side of foreign loan projects. She currently manages several multi-million dollar wastewater treatment projects funded either through the national budget or foreign loans.

She earned a three-year diploma degree in finance from State Accounting School, Jakarta, a bachelor’s degree in economics from Perbanas Institute, Jakarta, a master’s degree in economics and public policy from the University of Queensland, Australia with an Australia Award Scholarship.

Last Updated: May 6, 2019 @ 11:22 am
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