Fulbright Specialist Dr Bryan Hall successfully collaborated with UIN Raden Intan in Bandar Lampung to carry out the outcome-based education (OBE) project through the Fulbright Specialist program. The project was carried out from July 15 to August 15, 2024, at UIN Raden Intan in Bandar Lampung.
Dr Hall, the vice provost for the Strategic Program at Regis University in the US, ran one-to-two-day workshops for each school/college at the university on outcome-based education (OBE), also known as student learning outcome assessment. Overall, he has worked with over 200 faculty members at the university. The first half of the workshop offered a general overview of OBE, and each study program (department) would present its proposal for implementing OBE. After discussing these proposals individually, the second half of the workshop offered a practical example of how to assess in the classroom. Finally, each study program would offer an assessment plan for a particular course that the group would workshop together.
On the final day, Dr Hall gave a speech to regional university administrators on leadership qualities for higher education.
As a result of the project, Dr Hall believes there is a much better grassroots understanding of the value of assessment and how it can be implemented in practical ways to improve student learning. He also had an opportunity to meet with a university-level curriculum steering committee, which was particularly constructive.
Dr Hall says, “The meeting helped them to see how they could still comply with state regulations for assessment while allowing faculty to measure student learning in ways that are authentic to skills/competencies that students need in their disciplines.”
There are plans to continue institutional collaboration in the future. To begin, Dr Hall’s home institution in the US, Regis University, will organize Zoom meetings between students in Islam courses and students working on English at UIN Raden Intan. These conversations will be a form of academic service learning where Regis students will learn more about Islam, and UIN students will have an opportunity to improve their English. He also created a line of communication between the provost’s office at Regis University and the president’s office at UIN Raden Intan that can serve as a pathway to ongoing collaboration in the future.
The Fulbright Specialist’s work is featured on the UIN Raden Intan website.
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