Swarles Yusuf Tandi
Award Year: 2021

Swarles Yusuf Tandi is studying English at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. He wants to build an international network by working with teachers from other countries during his Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program for International Teachers (Fulbright DAI) Fellowship. He also wants to learn appropriate teaching methodology, especially for pre-A1 starter adult learners, and how to create and design a curriculum based on the students’ needs and conditions. Upon completing the Fellowship, he hopes to revise his school’s curriculum in English teaching based on local students’ needs.

Swarles is an English teacher at SMK Negeri 7 Halmahera Barat, North Maluku.

He earned his bachelor’s degree in English teaching from Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo, South Sulawesi.

Last Updated: Mar 30, 2024 @ 9:03 pm
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