The online application for the 2021 Fulbright US–ASEAN Visiting Scholar Initiative Program is now open.

2021 Fulbright US–ASEAN Visiting Scholar Initiative Program is now receiving applications from Indonesian university lecturers, foreign ministry and government officials, or professionals in think tanks and other NGOs to compete for an opportunity to carry out scholarly and professional research on priority issues to the US –ASEAN relationship and ASEAN in the US for a period of three to four months.

The Fulbright US-ASEAN Visiting Scholar provides opportunities for nationals of the ten ASEAN countries to travel to the United States for scholarly and professional research for three to four months during the first half of 2023, where they will carry out scholarly and professional research on priority issues to the U.S.-ASEAN relationship and ASEAN.

The program is open to university faculty, foreign ministry or other government officials, professional staff of the private sector, think tanks, and other NGOs in the ASEAN Member States.

The online application is available here.

Deadline to apply: November 1, 2021.

Check back for updates on the schedule and registration link of our upcoming online information session with Fulbright US-ASEAN Visiting Scholar Program alumni on Zoom and Facebook Live. Also, Live Q&A sessions on Instagram Live.

Photo credit: Dr. Halikuddin Umasangaji and the website of the U.S. Mission to ASEAN.

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