Tomi Suryo Utomo
Award Year: 2019

Tomi Suryo Utomo’s research will be on “Unlocking the Potential of Indonesia’s Creative Industry by Enhancing the Protection of Performer’s Economic Rights under Indonesia’s Copyright Law: Lessons Learned from the US Experience” at University of South Carolina. He chooses to do research in the United States since the protection and implementation of performers’ economic rights are much more robust in the US than elsewhere.

Tomi is a law professor at Universitas Janabadra and Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Yogyakarta. He earned a bachelor’s degree from UGM and a master’s in law from the University of Melbourne. He completed a PhD in comparative and Asian law from the University of Washington.

Last Updated: Apr 29, 2019 @ 6:16 pm
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