Tyas Wardhani Pusposari
Award Year: 2017

Tyas Wardhani Pusposari is a researcher at Public Interest Research and Advocacy Center (PIRAC) in Depok, West Java. She obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Criminology from Universitas Indonesia in 2014. Prior to her current career, she worked as a researcher in Center for Democracy and Human Rights Studies (Demos Indonesia), where she was responsible in conducting research about local political representatives. She was once a research project assistant in Institute for Social and Economic Research, Education, and Information (LP3ES), where she managed research in child trafficking.

Her research focus has been in the field of community development, and one of her works was published in a book. Her main interest is in community development and public policy. She finds the importance of analyzing impact of certain policy to women as part of the community. Her proposed study aims to provide deep analysis on policy implementation regarding to the decentralization impacts on women empowerment.

Upon completion of the master’s degree program in Public Administration at Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, she intends to return to her hometown and support the development of community by working in a civil society organisation.

Last Updated: Sep 28, 2018 @ 4:51 pm
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