Under Secretary Elizabeth M. Allen and Indonesian Secretary General of the Ministry of Religious Affairs Dr. Nizar Ali Sign Statement

(Photo: State Dept. / Erik A. Kurniawan)

Under Secretary Elizabeth M. Allen and Indonesian Secretary General of the Ministry of Religious Affairs Dr. Nizar Ali Sign Statement of Intent to Expand the Fulbright Program

JAKARTA – Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Liz Allen and Secretary General of the Ministry of Religious Affairs Dr. Nizar Ali signed a joint statement of intent on December 5 in Jakarta. This statement of intent will enable new opportunities through the Fulbright Program for Americans to teach at religious schools or higher education institutions under the Ministry for the first time since 2019. It also lays the groundwork for Indonesians from those schools or institutions to participate in Fulbright academic exchange programs in the United States for degree study, research, or other academic purposes.

This signing reaffirms the spirit of cooperation embodied in the historic elevation of U.S.-Indonesia relations to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership during the November 13 meeting between President Biden and Indonesian President Widodo. It further underscores the importance of people-to-people ties and educational exchange in the bilateral relationship. The statement of intent deepens the two nations’ mutual commitment to people-to-people exchange, fostering a legacy of shared knowledge and cultural enrichment.

A key aspect of this collaboration will involve the placement of U.S. Fulbright Student English Teaching Assistants (ETAs) as co-teachers in schools under the Ministry; these include Islamic day schools (madrasah), Islamic boarding schools (pesantren), or schools of other religious denominations. U.S. Fulbright Scholars, who are senior academics from American universities, may now come to teach at Islamic Universities, Catholic seminaries or other higher education institutions under the Ministry, and U.S. Fulbright Specialists, who are senior academics or professionals, may be invited to Indonesian agencies, institutes, or higher education institutions under the Ministry as outside experts for short-term projects.

The Fulbright Program is the U.S. Government’s flagship international academic exchange program. The Fulbright Program has operated in Indonesia for more than 70 years, providing scholarships to more than 2,800 Indonesians and 1,200 American students, scholars, artists, professionals, and teachers to study, lecture, teach, and conduct research both in the United States and abroad.

To learn more about the Fulbright Program, individuals and U.S. host institutions may go online to fulbrightprogram.org. For detailed information on opportunities for Indonesians and Americans for degree scholarships and non-degree fellowships funded by Fulbright and other programs, visit the AMINEF website at www.aminef.or.id. Interested media may contact the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta at JakartaPressOffice@State.gov.

(Photo: State Dept. / Erik A. Kurniawan)

Last Updated: Dec 11, 2023 @ 4:32 pm
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