Dr Nancy Everhart, a visiting Fulbright lecturer at Beijing Normal University’s Department of Library Science, traveled to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam where she was the guest of Vietnam National University (VNU). While there, she delivered lectures related to research, practice, and academic exchange over the course of two days.
Everhart’s lecture, “Metaethnography- The Potential for Theory Building in Library and Information Science,” demonstrated to students and faculty how existing research can be analyzed in a unique way to create new knowledge. It was of interest to VNU faculty as a method to synthesize research in preparation for an upcoming project. In “Educated Transitions: Experiences with iSchools and School Libraries in the United States” Everhart relayed her experiences both at Florida State University’s iSchool and as a former President of the American Association of School Librarians. Many Vietnamese students attended the two lectures on subsequent days showed an interest in “Applying to US Colleges and Universities.”
“It is an exciting and interesting time for library and information science in today’s information world. Countries in Asia are grappling with many of the same issues as the US and discussing both our similarities and differences is productive to both sides. “We enrich our departments and disciplines and teaching by working with teachers, writers, and practitioners from other academic institutions,” said Department Head and Colorado Mesa University Professor of English Barry Laga. “LaPlante and his unique life experiences have a lot to offer CMU students and we are pleased to welcome him to campus.”
“The Fulbright Regional Travel Program has allowed me to experience unique approaches to my discipline. By interacting with faculty and students from other countries will enable me to enrich my own university and profession when I return,” Everhart says.
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