US Fulbright Scholar to Vietnam Dr. Miriam Komaromy gave two training sessions in Thailand

Komaromy (1)

Komaromy (2)

I had the opportunity to offer three trainings to health care providers and experts in law enforcement and policy while I was in Thailand.  The trainings were held in Chiang Mai and in Chiang Rai during mid-December, 2018.

I also participated in advisory board meetings for the SAMHSA-funded Addiction Treatment Advisory Board (ATTC), and was able to provide consultation to the partner countries.

Approximately 25 individuals attended the board meeting; approximately 60 people attended my Chiang Mai presentation on the implementation of the ECHO model to increase access to addiction treatment, and approximately 60 other people attended my presentation in Chiang Rai University.

Last Updated: Jan 24, 2019 @ 3:59 pm
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