A Day in the Life

Nathan Kumar (1)

Even after three months in Indonesia, ETA Nathan “Nate” Kumar is still continually surprised by how different students’ and teachers’ days are compared to his own – whether it is getting up at four in the morning for their first prayer of the day, staying at school long after classes have finished, or spending hours looking at social media on their phones. That’s why Nate was excited to learn more about a typical day for students and teachers during an English Corner session on October 18 and a teachers English corner class on October 24.

Nathan Kumar (2)

Nathan Kumar (3)

Students and teachers created a schedule of a normal day and broke down how they spent their twenty-four hours in a day. Nate was surprised to learn some students and teachers only slept four hours in a day while other slept for around ten hours. Nate would come to find that this deviation was not atypical. Much like the country they live in, students’ and teachers’ days are varied, unique but always packed with things to do. Nate is looking forward to getting to know more about how his students and teachers spend their time in the coming months ahead.

Nathan “Nate” Kumar is currently teaching at SMA Nahdlatul Ulama 1 Gresik, East Java.

Last Updated: Dec 16, 2019 @ 11:07 am
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