EducationUSA: Sharing the Power of International Education

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On Thursday, February 13, 2020, ETA Joseph “Joe” Janik Miller supported the US Consulate’s Higher Education Fair in Medan. The US Consulate in Medan houses an advising center called EducationUSA, a branch in the Office of Global Educational Programs in the US State Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, and EducationUSA invited the three ETAs in North Sumatra – Emilie Tomas, Nathan Danielson, and Joe – to help facilitate the event. Medan is the capital of North Sumatra.

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ETAs Emilie, Nathan, and Joe accepted the invitation, and they guided students from their high schools through the fair when they were not advising other students in studying in the U.S. The event enabled one of Joe’s students to use English in conversation with college admissions officers, a Consular Officer from the US Embassy in Jakarta, and American exchange participants, including Joe’s ETA colleagues and a Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study student in Medan.

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Joe was excited to connect with the US Consul for Sumatra, Guy Margalith, and he greatly appreciated the invitation from the EducationUSA Advisor in Medan, Jeffrey Jeo. Above all, Joe was grateful to pay forward the welcome he has received in Indonesia by sharing the power of international education with prospective students at US colleges and universities.

Joseph “Joe” Janik Miller is currently teaching at SMAN 1 Padangsidimpuan, North Sumatra.

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