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Alexander Lopez-Perez
Award Year: 2018

Alexander is a recent graduate of Rutgers University, where he earned his Bachelor’s degree in English. Grateful for his undergraduate experience at Rutgers, Alex has led several peer-mentoring programs and fundraising campaigns, partnered with fellow students to provide programming to a local homeless shelter, was a part of the orientation and family programs department, and developed a letter-writing curriculum at a refugee shelter on the island of Leros, Greece. As a mentor, Alex believes that creating a space in which every person feels safe and valued is important to the personal and professional growth of all students, and he wishes to be that person for his students in Indonesia.

Upon returning to the Unites States, Alex will return to his university’s graduate school of education to earn a Master’s degree in Education.

For his Fulbright ETA program, Alexander will be placed at West Sumatera where he will co-teach at MAN 2 Bukittinggi.

Last Updated: Sep 7, 2018 @ 2:52 pm
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