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Amy Quirion
Award Year: 2017

Home institution: University of Southern Maine, ME
School placement: SMAN 2 Balige, North Sumatra

Amy Quirion has been an elementary school teacher for the last three years. Her first year, she taught third grade as a mainstream classroom teacher and started her second year as a second grade mainstream teacher. Halfway through the school year her role switched and she became an ESL teacher for new students who had just entered the country in grades 3-5. Her Master’s degree is in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) and due to the large influx of new students, she was asked to take on a new role, which she was very excited about! During her third year she taught English as a second language in grade three, working with students who were at various levels of English proficiency in a small group setting outside of the mainstream classroom. All three years were absolutely rewarding and have helped her grow into a better educator. She is very excited to step foot in a different country and become immersed in a new culture.

Last Updated: Sep 12, 2018 @ 1:54 pm
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