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Dr Aulia Muhammad Taufiq Nasution
Award Year: 2018

Dr Aulia is the Head of the Postgraduate Program in Engineering Physics at the Department of Engineering Physics at the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya. His bachelor’s degree in engineering physics is from Institut Teknologi Bandung, his master’s degree in medical physics from Universiti Sains Malaysia, and his PhD in experimental physics, specializing in optical diagnostics, from the University of Göttingen, Germany. He is a Fulbright alumnus, having used the Fulbright Visiting Scholar grant in 2012 to research at the University of Kentucky.

He proposes to conduct research on “Exhaled breath analysis for accurately diagnosing the presence of Diabetes Mellitus using terahertz spectroscopy” at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

This research experiment is of interest to collaborators in the US who work in biomedical photonics, specifically in the sub-field of diagnostics using terahertz spectroscopy. He hopes to benefit from their input and excellent research facilities in the US.

Last Updated: Jul 19, 2021 @ 1:12 pm
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