Austin Kraft is an independent researcher in linguistics, dedicating ten months to research before pursuing an advanced degree in Fall 2023. Austin analyzes how syntax (sentence structure) and semantics (language meaning) vary across languages. He works with community members to document their languages and accounts for underlying patterns, which can help to enrich cross-linguistic syntactic and semantic theory. Austin is also interested in how this research can offer resources back to communities to preserve local languages, such as through technologies designed for those languages and aligned with communities’ objectives.
As a Fulbright US Student Researcher affiliated with Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya (UAJ) in Jakarta, Austin is studying three languages across three sites: Peranakan Javanese in Semarang, Central Java; Pemalang Javanese in Pemalang, Central Java; and Kualan-Semandang in Ketapang, West Kalimantan. Austin’s research continues at UAJ’s Language and Culture Center under the advice of Professor Yanti. Having previously studied in Malang, East Java, on a Critical Language Scholarship, Austin is grateful to return to Indonesia to learn more about Indonesia’s remarkable linguistic diversity.
Austin holds dual bachelor’s degrees from the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, where he earned a bachelor of the arts in linguistics and a bachelor of science in mathematics (specialization in computer applications).
*Austin Kraft is a Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 Fulbright Student Research grantee. Due to the global pandemic, his grant was deferred to FY2022.