BLESS-ed to Celebrate Bulan Bahasa

Emma (1)

Each year, SMAN 1 Temanggung holds a language competition called BLESS. Students spend months preparing their class and individual performances for the storytelling, karaoke, musical performance, drama, and speech categories. English isn’t the only language celebrated during this competition—Indonesian, German, and Japanese classes also participate!

Emma (3)

Emma (2)

This year, ETA Emma Muth had the opportunity to judge the English storytelling competition and watch performances from each of the classes. The week before the competition, students stayed at school until late at night to finish preparations. Many students created elaborate costumes and props just for the occasion, and some even called on alumni of SMAN 1 to come help as coaches. All of this hard work showed—Emma couldn’t help but be impressed by talent and dedication showed by her students. She looks forward to helping students prepare for other competitions throughout the year.

Emma Muth is currently teaching at SMAN 1 Temanggung, Central Java.

Last Updated: Dec 16, 2019 @ 11:07 am
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