November 2019 Edition

Welcome to the November edition of the ETA Monthly Highlights! November was marked with the end-of-semester review, Thanksgiving celebrations, and International Education Week events. Have a look at the highlights to see how the 2019-20 cohort ETAs wrapped up their fourth month in Indonesia!

Read all of these stories and more through the links below!

Many thanks to all of the ETAs for their wonderful stories and photos.

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We’d love to get your feedback.

Please share with us your favorite stories: which stories struck you as interesting, which teaching method is the most fun or you’d like to apply, or which activity you’d like to hear more. Email us at and we’ll post your feedback in the next newsletter and you may win a special thank-you gift from us. 


The Good Ol’ Days: A Celebration To Remember!

Despite the rush and stress of exams at the beginning of December, students at ETA Natasha Anis’s school were busy with preparations for the school anniversary celebrations, which are held every December. The celebrations last for a full week, and consist of everything from a fashion show, to basketball competitions, English competitions, karaoke, and even.. Read More.

Review Strategies: Three Ways!

For ETA Natasha Anis, the month of November was filled with student hang-outs, Teacher’s Room movies, and even an Indonesian Thanksgiving Celebration! In the classroom, she and her co-teacher Ismi finished up the last of the new material for students, leaving them almost three full weeks for review. Natasha was thrilled about having extra time.. Read More.

Different Levels Same Excitement

One of the most exciting elements of teaching in Indonesia for ETA Nathan “Nate” Kumar is the opportunity to work with a variety of different students at different skill levels. This was recently highlighted on November 22 and 23. On November 22, Nate taught his tenth-grade high school students about figurative language using popular songs. Later.. Read More.

Vlogging a Rumah Gadang

On November 30, ETA Jillian Castoro joined SMAN 2 Bukittinggi on a field to Batusangkar. Eight students with excellent English were invited to attend. The purpose of the trip was to make a vlog style video where the students explained the Minang Kabau culture and history to ETA Jillian. The vlog was filmed in English, as.. Read More.

Thinking Globally

The second to last week of November, ETA Shannon Pinzon hosted several events to celebrate International Education Week (IEW) at her school. With the help of a few peers, Shannon held three scholarship workshops, each focusing on different study abroad and exchange programs. The first workshop was held for grade 10 students and it primarily centered.. Read More.

My America is…

ETAs Janika Berridge and Lucy Srour joined a local private middle school’s two-day English camp. For two hours on a Friday night, the pair led 60 students through a series of interactive activities. They kicked off the night with a game of “Guess Who! Miss Lucy or Miss Janika?” Students then learned more about each other.. Read More.

Indonesia and Puerto Rico

On November 22, ETA Maria Isabel “Isa” Nieves Bosch gave a presentation about her home, Puerto Rico, to her school SMKN 7 Surakarta. The Aula was full of teachers, students, and guests from other schools. After singing the national anthem and the SMKN anthem, the principle Bu Wening introduced Isa; then, the ETA explained that.. Read More.

Trip to American Corner

This month ETA Blake Lapin celebrated International Education week by leading his English Conversation Club (ECC) students to Malang’s American Corner at Universities Muhammadiyah Malang. They left school around 8 am for the University. Once they arrived, the president of American Corner Malang spoke to the students about educational perseverance, explaining that he was the first.. Read More.

Student Athletes

A mainstay of ETA Conor Jackman’s experience with SMAN 1 Seluma is basketball. Whether it’s shooting around with students and teachers or coaching the boys and girls teams with Pak Jon, basketball is a frequent occurrence. Like all student-athletes, the basketball players must balance school work and practice. However, due to the multi-sport competition calendar, student-athletes.. Read More.

A Day in the Art Museum

When it comes to English class, it’s generally a safe assumption that students will start by practicing English. Perhaps that’s why students were surprised when ETA Emilie Tomas had a different request. She asked students to redraw a simple shape on the board. Once they had finished, she revealed the challenge: each of them had to.. Read More.

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