Different Levels Same Excitement

Nate Kumar (1)

One of the most exciting elements of teaching in Indonesia for ETA Nathan “Nate” Kumar is the opportunity to work with a variety of different students at different skill levels. This was recently highlighted on November 22 and 23.

Nate Kumar (2)

On November 22, Nate taught his tenth-grade high school students about figurative language using popular songs. Later that day, Nate celebrated Thanksgiving with elementary school students by creating ‘hand turkeys’ and by saying what they were thankful for.

Nate Kumar (3)

Finally, on November 23, Nate, along with his site mate ETA Gabriel “Gabe” Umland, presented on informal, kinesthetic, and artistic learning to local English teachers in an English teaching conference. Nate and Gabe introduced a number of new activities that teachers were eager to incorporate into their own classrooms. Teaching at each of these different levels has given Nate a sense of the importance of creating unique and engaging activities that are specifically tailored to the students or participants.

Nathan “Nate” Kumar is currently teaching at SMA Nahdlatul Ulama 1 Gresik, East Java.

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