Fulbright DAI Edition

Connie Opusunggu Aritonang

Connie Opusunggu Aritonang is a Fulbright DAI fellow studying English at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Through the program, she wants to challenge herself, explore new cultures, and enhance her professional knowledge as an educator. She hopes to overcome the challenges in her community to provide a quality education for all and share her US.. Read More.

Sani Yanti Panggabean

Sani Yanti Panggabean is a Fulbright DAI fellow studying English at the University of Rochester. She is eager to equip herself with more knowledge and experience gained from the program to support her school in creating agents of tourism development in the village and improving economic growth through the tourism sector. Sani is an English.. Read More.

Stefmi Dhila Wanda Sari

Stefmi Dhila Wanda Sari is studying English at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. She is an English teacher at YARI Junior High School in Padang. Her educational background includes a bachelor’s degree in English literature from Universitas Andalas. Her primary objective is to enhance her knowledge and teaching skills, aiming for continuous improvement in her teaching.. Read More.

Rio Mardani Suhardi

Rio Mardani Suhardi is studying the teacher program in mathematics at the University of Rochester. He currently serves as a mathematics teacher at SMP Negeri 8, Batam. He earned a bachelor’s degree in mathematics education from Universitas Riau Kepulauan. His passion lies in delving deeper into STEM education, and he is determined to improve the.. Read More.


Yogyantoro is studying the teacher program in English at the University of Rochester. He is an English teacher at SMPN 4 Muara Teweh, North Barito, Central Kalimantan. Yogyantoro has a bachelor’s degree in English education from STKIP PGRI Tulungagung. He hopes to motivate the local teachers’ community (guru penggerak) in North Barito. Last Updated: Mar.. Read More.

Rizaldi Pulungan

Rizaldi Pulungan is studying English at Vanderbilt University. He works as an English teacher at Ar-Raudhatul Hasanah Islamic Boarding School in Medan.  He completed a bachelor’s degree in English Education from Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sumatra Utara. His goals include improving his teaching skills and English proficiency, as well as studying the impact of gender.. Read More.

Nur Alfi Laela

Nur Alfi Laela is studying English at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. She is an English teacher at SMKN 1 Boalemo, Gorontalo. She holds a bachelor’s degree in English Language Teaching from Universitas Negeri Alauddin Makassar. She is keenly interested in the “STEAM” (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Mathematics) approach and aspires to incorporate.. Read More.

Lia Jauharotul Afifah

Lia Jauharotul Afifah is studying English at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. She wants to improve her teaching skill and English ability. She wants to create a handbook of English thematic expressions for her students back in the school she teaches in rural Bengkulu, southwest Sumatra. Upon completion of her Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching.. Read More.

Swarles Yusuf Tandi

Swarles Yusuf Tandi is studying English at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. He wants to build an international network by working with teachers from other countries during his Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program for International Teachers (Fulbright DAI) Fellowship. He also wants to learn appropriate teaching methodology, especially for pre-A1 starter adult learners, and how.. Read More.

Otwofores Here Rohi

Otwofores Here Rohi is placed at the Arizona State University to study English.  He wants to explore how native-speaker teaches. He plans to share teaching methods with his colleagues through workshops or discussion sessions upon his return from his Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program for International Teachers (Fulbright DAI) Fellowship, not only at his.. Read More.

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