Fulbright US Student Program Edition

Tamar Law is a PhD candidate at Cornell University in global development. She holds a master’s in philosophy (MPhil) in human environmental geography from the University of Oxford. Her research in Indonesia examines the environmental politics of coastal restoration, with a focus on Blue Carbon governance. She is affiliated with Professor Ahmad Maryudi at the.. Read More.

Anna Grundström is an independent researcher based in Brooklyn, New York. Her work centers on the adoptee experience and its historical context. Her research, titled “The Historical Relevance of Intercountry Adoption from Indonesia (1970-1984)”, explores the sociopolitical events that led to the rise of international adoption in the early years of Indonesia’s New Order era… Read More.

Dan Sachs is a linguist and a recent Georgetown University graduate. During high school, Dan first traveled to Indonesia through the US State Department’s National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y), a full scholarship program for immersive learning of critical languages. This experience sparked Dan’s deep interest in linguistics and the intersection of religion and.. Read More.

Adarsh Srinivasan is a recent graduate of Claremont McKenna College with a degree in environment, economics, and politics (EEP). He wrote a senior thesis on California’s cap-and-trade system for regulating carbon emissions, which inspired him to study Indonesia’s novel cap-and-trade program. Adarsh is working with Professor Arief Anshory Yusuf, an environmental economist, through the Sustainable.. Read More.

Fulbright Student Researcher Bryan Eichen is a recent graduate of the master’s program at Drexel University with a background in environmental science and ecology. He is collaborating with Dr. Fachruddin M. Mangunjaya of Universitas Nasional and Dr. Erin Vogel of Rutgers University to examine the impact that a legacy of wildfires has had on Bornean.. Read More.

In Indonesia, Maya is researching heavy metal bioaccumulation in sharks and rays. She is based in Tanjung Luar, Lombok, and is affiliated with the University of Mataram, Udayana University in Bali, and the Rekam Nusantara Foundation. Maya received a bachelor of science in behavioral neuroscience from Michigan State University and a master of public health.. Read More.

Dewa Ayu Larassanti is a dancer, musician, singer, and actor. As a Fulbright Student Researcher, she is studying with elderly master artists in Bali and collaborating with Bapak I Wayan Sudiarsa at Universitas Hindu Indonesia, Denpasar, to digitize classic dance repertoires. Bapak Sudiarsa is also a composer and director, emphasizing the importance of digitization through.. Read More.

Fulbright Student Researcher Zoe Albert is a PhD candidate at Boston University, getting her doctorate in biological anthropology. Her dissertation research and Fulbright grant focuses on the gut microbiome of the wild Bornean Orangutans who live in Gunung Palung National Park, Borneo. She has always had a deep love for animals and is elated to.. Read More.

Julia Meinhardt is studying the regional impacts of Indonesia’s new capital city of Ibu Kota Nusantara alongside her counterparts at Institut Teknologi Kalimantan in Balikpapan. She is interested in how rapid urbanization is spatialized in predominately forested areas and how urban planners and designers can develop and implement more effective, sustainable, place-based, and regional-scale planning.. Read More.

David Fernando Bachrach is a doctoral candidate in the University of Colorado Boulder Department of Geography. His project studies the on-the-ground impacts of the Chinese Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway, a joint Indonesian and Chinese project. By undertaking a long-term, qualitative study, his project will provide a nuanced account of this crucial infrastructure project. In particular, it will.. Read More.