Christopher Silver is a professor of urban and regional planning at the University of Florida. He has a PhD in urban history from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and a master of Urban and Regional Planning from Virginia Commonwealth University. He served as Dean of the College of Design, Construction and, Planning in 20006-2016.
Under the Fulbright US Scholar Program from January through May 2019, he will be lecturing at the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering at the University of Indonesia teaching courses in sustainable urbanism, cities of the world, and sustainable community development.
This is Christopher’s fourth Fulbright in Indonesia, beginning with a Fulbright Senior Lectureship in American Studies at the University of Indonesia in 1989-90, followed by a lectureship in planning at the Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) in 1992 and another one-month appointment at ITB in 2004 to research his book, Planning the Megacity: Jakarta in the 20th Century (Routledge, 2008, revised 2013). He assisted in the development of the Urban Management Program at Hasanuddin University in the 1990s and this was followed by a three-year consultancy through the US Agency for International Development dealing with the decentralization initiatives that have become part of the Indonesian local government finance structure.
He was honored to be awarded the Ganesha Jasa Widja Utama from ITB in 2012 and to be awarded an Adjunct Lectureship from the University of Indonesia in 2018.
He is also author/editor of seven other volumes, including “Dialogues in Urban and Regional Planning 6: The Right to the City” co-edited with Robert Freestone and Christophe Demaziere, (Taylor and Francis, 2018); “Urban Planning Education: Beginnings, Global Movement and Future Prospects” co-edited with Andrea Frank (Springer Publishers, 2018) and “Planning and Decentralization: Contested Spaces for Public Action in the Global South” co-authored with Faranak Miraftab and Victoria Beard (Routledge, 2008).