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Collaboration on STEM Teaching and Learning in Indonesia through the Fulbright Specialist Program

Dr Gillian Roehrig is a Fulbright Specialist at Jember University, East Java from October 1-14, 2019.

1Visited schools in the Coastal Area: SD Negeri 1 Ambulu, SMA Negeri 1 Ambulu, SMP Islam Ambulu (Private School).

Professor Gillian Roehrig from the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Minnesota and the University of Jember completed their first collaboration with on STEM teaching and learning in Indonesia through the Fulbright Specialist program.

From October 1 – 14, 2019 she worked with faculty, teachers, and students at the University of Jember to advance STEM teaching and learning in Indonesia.

21st International Conference on Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics delivered a keynote speech on STEM policy and implementation in the US. Provided feedback for a multi-institution committee working to align the science education curriculum for pre-service science teacher education.

Through a series of symposium sessions, workshops and model STEM lessons in K-12 classrooms, Roehrig helped to create a model of integrated STEM learning and teaching to be used in the Indonesian school system.

“STEM integration connects the STEM disciplines so that students are equipped to develop 21st Century skills and develop solutions to real-world problems”, Roehrig said.

3Participated in a biology lesson at SMA Negeri 1 Ambulu

Exemplar integrated STEM lesson was modeled in middle and high school classrooms allowing teachers to observe integrated STEM with Indonesian students. For example, seventh-grade students at SMPN 3 Jember worked in teams to explore designs for a wind turbine as an alternative to reliance on fossil fuels for electricity generation. Students used their knowledge of physics to design the blades for the wind turbine to maximize power output.

Screen Shot 2019-10-29 at 14.18.46Delivered a model STEM lesson and teacher workshop at SMPN 3 Jember (middle school). Teachers observed STEM lesson on wind turbine design taught in the 7th-grade classroom. Taught a lesson on teamwork in STEM for students in the University of Jember Primary Education program.

High school students at SMAN 2 Jember, used their knowledge of physics to design a security system for a museum. Specifically, students used their knowledge of light and geometry to design a laser system to protect valuable museum exhibits.

7Delivered a model STEM lesson and teacher workshop at SMAN 2 Jember (high school). Teachers observed STEM lesson on laser security design taught in the 11th-grade classroom. Taught a lesson on STEM in biology classrooms for students in the University of Jember Biology Education program.

Over 100 high school teachers attended a workshop on integrated STEM in biology.

The teachers explored ways to use environmental data sets for students to practice making claims using evidence and reasoning. Teachers also designed “bionic hands” using straws and string as a prosthetic device that could pick up objects.

8Continued Research discussions with the University of Jember faculty. Delivered at teacher workshop for high school biology teachers at SMA Negeri 2.

Roehrig worked with faculty to integrate STEM into their pre-service courses in primary education, science education, and biology education.

In addition, faculty worked to develop a research agenda around integrated STEM to better understand their pre-service teachers’ conceptions, knowledge, and practices related to integrated STEM. Through this work, the faculty at the University of Jember initiated a new STEM Education Center to support the ongoing research and work with schools.

Roehrig will continue to collaborate and support the development of the center.

Last Updated: Mar 31, 2024 @ 12:33 am
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