Comic Strip Stories

On September 24th, ETA Sabrina Verleysen engaged her English Club students with the opportunity to create their own comic strip stories. By promoting the students’ creativity and imagination, Sabrina had found that her students were more excited and willing to dive into new assignments even though they may be nervous. She had discovered that her students, especially her English Club students, love to draw!

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The opportunity to create comic strip stories combined their love for drawing and improved their writing ability and presentation skills in English. Miss Sabrina provided the markers! The Comic Strip Stories was an excellent way to put their transportation vocabulary to use, as students chose both a destination and a mode of transportation for the main character of their comic strip story. Each comic strip story included four drawings accompanied with a written explanation of the scene. The students were very proud of their work and were happy to share their creation with their classmates through a mini oral presentation. By the end of English Club that day, there were lots of smiles!

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Sabrina Verleysen is currently teaching at MAN Demak, Central Java

Last Updated: Dec 16, 2019 @ 11:05 am
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