Culture Exchange Month

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January revved up in activity and fun for the students of MAN 1 Malang as many projects began to unfurl. ETA Catherine Krol connected two classes to her alma mater high school to engage in Pen Pal exchange to teach the Personal Letter unit in 11th grade. The first batch of letters was sent at the end of January and the students look forward to discussing their various hobbies, school subjects and favorite places in their countries with their American counterparts.

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This is not the only effort to create a cultural exchange for MAN 1 in the month of January. In addition, the English Club has begun making a series of vlogs with an American classroom showcasing a variety of parts of their daily lives such as the before school routine, transportation, class structure, and general introduction. The students between MAN 1 and St. Helen Catholic schools will continue to exchange short video clips to share with each other on the various cultural differences and surprising similarities between American and Indonesian students.

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Overall, the semester is off to a great start and students can hope to have fun with a variety of programs tied to the English Department in MAN 1 from an Earth Day activity to the annual 2019 WORDS competition. Catherine is also looking forward to continuing to have lots of engaging conversations with her community and learning much in the realm of language and culture in the coming months.

Catherine Krol is currently teaching at MAN 1 Malang, East Java

Last Updated: Dec 13, 2019 @ 3:56 pm
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