A Day of Achievement, Appreciation, and Celebration

Brian (2)

On Tuesday, April 30, SMKN 1 hosted an English talent show alongside a Kartini Day celebration and farewell party for ETA Brian Miner. After a busy and memorable month starting with the WORDS competition in Jakarta, saying goodbye to twelfth grade at graduation, and finishing up classes and clubs for tenth and eleventh grade; Brian could not have asked for a better way to wrap up his time in Sangatta Utara and say goodbye to the students, teachers, and friends that have positively affected Brian’s experience in Sangatta Utara and at SMKN 1 for the past nine months.

Brian (1)

Brian (3)

Brian (4)

Brian enjoyed seeing his students and some teachers at SMKN 1 perform poems, songs, skits, and dances throughout the day. The talent, creativity, and genuineness of the students and teachers at SMKN 1 never cease to inspire Brian. This celebration helped Brian acknowledge the closing window of time he has left in Sangatta Utara, and to appreciate the relationships that have been formed in the last nine months. Since coming to Indonesia, Brian has felt overwhelmed by the support, generosity, and hospitality provided to him by the community. He still feels unable to give back as much as he has received from the community in Sangatta Utara. He can only hope that he has positively impacted one person as much as this experience has shaped him.

Brian Miner is currently teaching at SMKN 1 Sangatta Utara, East Kalimantan

Last Updated: Dec 13, 2019 @ 3:07 pm
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